Friday, February 1, 2013

Today in class we talked about research that studied families from Mexico and how their family relationships were affected by their migration to the United States. We talked a lot about how the father will sometimes come over here first. He is only expecting to be gone or 6 to 12 months, but instead he is gone for 3 years on average. This causes stress and role changes in his family back home. His wife has to be the nurturer and the head of the house. She has to work and their kids feel neglected. The kids aren't as close with their father and feel betrayed sometimes because he has been absent in their lives for so long. He is just trying to better provide for him family. I feel so bad for these families that sacrifice so much to try and ensure a better future.

I can't imagine my father leaving my family for his job. He had to travel quite a bit, but he would never be gone for more than a day or two at a time and even that was pretty rare. I missed him so much when he would leave for only those short times. I can see how that would be hard on children for one of their parents to leave for years at a time.

In my future family I don't ever want to mu husband to leave me and our family for long periods of time for his job. I don't think it would be worth it to have all the money in the world if we were separated as a family. Being together and developing those healthy relationships are the most important things to me. My heart breaks for any family that has to go through what these Mexican families have to go through.

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